A Family of Four Travelling From Yamba to Eden
Duration: 30 days, 29 nights
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Ocean Pools: ~60 visited
Budget: ~$10,000
Miles Travelled: ~3,000
We’re PJ, Kate, Coco and Bebe, from Sydney, planning a trip down one of the most beautiful coastlines in the World, swimming the best pools we can find, on a 30 day odyssey.
You can follow our journey on this site and maybe even say hello as we go. Our itinerary is available on this website. While we’re focussed on writing about the pools, who knows what other adventures we might have!
Life – it’s not a dress rehearsal.
Best Of Trip Video
7 minutes of glorious NSW coastal pools in 4K – ahh the memories!
The Final Blog Post
You can read this and all the rest here of course.

The Blue Pool and Aslings Beach Pool – the end of our pilgrimage
We finished our pilgrimage of pools with the two pools the furthest down the coast – the famous Blue Pool in Bermagui and Aslings Beach Pool in Eden. Secretly, my hopes were high for Eden. We had travelled a long way for our last pool. While the pilgrimage has been...
- Swimming Pools 90%
- Eating Well 70%
- On The Road 75%
- Having Fun! 100%
Life is like swimming.
Sometimes you hit the wall.
And sometimes you make the right turn.